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ACTRITE COREENEDAE JANG GEUM - JOSEONDAE JO YOUNG - GOGURYEODaemang-JOSEONDAMO - JOSEON   GOGURYEO - EMPRESS CHUNCHUEight Days - JoseonGoguryeo - Queen WooGOGURYEO - THE LEGENDGoryeo - Emperor Wang GunGoryeo - Goryeo-Khitan WarGoryeo - Shine or Go CrazyGoryeo-DynastyGrand PrinceGYEBAEK BAEKJE   Dong YI - JOSEONHAECHI - JOSEONHONG GIL DONG - JOSEONHwajun Badpolitics - JoseonILJIMAE - JoseonILJIMAE - The Return of Iljimae - JoseonJang Ok-Jung - JoseonJeon Woo Chi - JoseonJoseon - Captivating the KingJoseon - Lovers of the red sky 2021JOSEON - MoonshineJOSEON - MOONSHINE 2021 PROHIBITIE IN JOSEONJoseon - Rookie historian Goo Hae RyungJUMONG - GOGURYEO   GWANGGAETO THE GREAT - GOGURYEOJungyi - Goddess of fire - JoseonKim In-Joon - GoryeoKIM SOO RO - GAYAKING GEUNCHOGO BAEKJEKINGDOM OF THE WIND - GOGURYEOLee Yo Won -actrita mea preferataMASTER OF THE MASK - JOSEONMirror of the Witch JOSEONMy Girlfriend is a Nine Tailed FoxMy Sassy Girl - Joseon DynastyNANGNANG - PRINCESS JAMYUNG GONight Flower - JoseonOur Blooming Youth - JoseonQueen Seon Deok - SILLARiver Where the Moon Rises - GoguryeoScholar Who Walks The Night - JoseonSecret Door - JoseonSecret Royal Inspector and Joy - JoseonSeoul s Sad Song - Conspiracy in the CourtShilla   Album dedicat printesei Deokman -Maresalul si Regina   Hwarang The Beginning - SILLA   Moartea printesei   The King s DreamSix Flying Dragons JOSEONSu Baek Hyang - JoseonTHE BLADE AND PETAL - GOGURYEOTHE DUO - JoseonThe Flower in Prison JoseonThe Forbidden Marriage - JoseonTHE KING AND IThe King s Affection - JoseonThe King S Face - JoseonThe Moon That Embraces the Sun - JoseonThe Night Watchman - JoseonThe painter of the wind - JoseonThe Red Sleeve JoseonThe Revolt of Gumiho JOSEONThe Secret Romantic Guesthouse - JoseonTree With Deep Roots - JoseonUnder the Queen s Umbrella - JoseonVoteaza serialul tau preferatWARRIOR BAEK DONG SOO - JoseonWon Dinasty - BicheonmuYAKSHAYI SAN - Joseon

membru din 31 august 2011

Lee Yo Won -actrita mea preferata


Name: 이요원 / Lee Yo-won
Profession: Actress
Birthdate: 1980-Apr-09
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Height: 170cm
Weight: 48kg
Star sign: Aries
Blood type: B
Family: Husband/professional golfer Park Jin Woo and one daughter, cousin/actor Lee Joong Moon
Talent agency: J&H Film

TV Shows

49 Days (SBS, 2011)
Queen Seon Duk (MBC, 2009)
Bad Love (KBS2, 2007)
Surgeon Bong Dal Hee (SBS, 2007)
Fashion 70's (SBS, 2005)
Daemang (SBS, 2002)
Pure Heart (KBS2, 2001)
Blue Mist (KBS2, 2001)
Tough Guy's Love (KBS2, 2000)


Splendid Holidays (2007)
Gwang-tae, Gwang-shik’s Brother (2005)
Surprise Party (2002)
A.F.R.I.K.A. (2002)
Take Care of My Cat (2001)
Attack the Gas Station (1999)
Scent of a Man (1998)


2010 Indosiar Mania Awards: Most Favorite Asian Actress
2010 Asia Model Festival Awards: Special Award for Asian Drama
2009 10th Korean Media Ceremony: Photogenic Award
2009 Grime Awards: Best Actress Award (Queen Seon Duk)
2009 MBC Drama Awards: Best Couple Award with Kim Nam Gil (Queen Seon Duk)
2009 MBC Drama Awards: Top Excellence Award - Actress (Queen Seon Duk)
2007 SBS Drama Awards: Top Excellence Award - Actress (Surgeon Bong Dal Hee)
2007 SBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Award with Lee Bum Soo (Surgeon Bong Dal Hee)
2007 SBS Drama Awards: Popularity Award (Surgeon Bong Dal Hee)
2007 SBS Drama Awards: Netizens' Choice Award (Surgeon Bong Dal Hee)
2007 SBS Drama Awards: Top Ten Stars Award (Surgeon Bong Dal Hee)
2005 SBS Drama Awards: Excellence Award, Special Planning Drama - Actress (Fashion 70's)
2005 SBS Drama Awards: Top Ten Stars Award (Fashion 70's)
2002 SBS Drama Awards: New Star Award (Daemang)
2001 22nd Blue Dragon Awards: Best New Actress Award ("Take Care of My Cat")
2001 9th Spring History Film Festival: Best Actress Award ("Take Care of My Cat")
2001 37th Baeksang Arts Awards: Best New Actress Award ("Take Care of My Cat")
2001 KBS Drama Awards: Popularity Award

MesajSubiect: LEE YO WON Mier Sept 14, 2011 7:29 pm

Lee Yo Won este o actrita sud-coreeana nascuta pe 9 aprilie 1980 in orasul Seongnam. Cariera si-a inceput-o in moddeling participand in anul 1997 la un concurs pe care l-a castigat, continuand sa pozeze. Primul ei rol a fost cel din Scent of a Man in care a dovedit ca este o perfectionista. Tot acest film i-a adus secretul succesului, membrii staffului observand ca este extrem de priceputa in domeniul plansului. A continuat sa joace in numeroase filme si seriale acestea aducandu-i succes, insa nu cel dorit. In 2003, la varsta de 22 ani s-a casatorit cu jucatorul profesionist de golf Park Jin Woo dupa care a anuntat ca va avea un copil. Dupa nasterea fetitei sale a continuat sa joace in filme insa adevaratul succes a venit cu drama istorică MBC, The Great Queen Seondeok in care a avut rolul principal, rol ce i-a adus unele premii. Faima obtinuta a ambitionat-o continuand sa joace in productii de succes devenind una dintre cele mai indragite actrite coreene.

Filmografie :

School 2 (KBS 1999)
Tough Guys Love (KBS 2000)
Blue Love (KBS 2001)
Pure Heart (KBS 2001)
Daemang (SBS 2002)
Fashion 70s (SBS 2005)
Surgeon Bong Dal Hee (SBS 2007)
Bad Love (KBS 2007)
Queen Seondeok (MBC 2009)
49 Days (SBS 2011)
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Comentarii album • 2
anamariasuk 12 noiembrie 2011  
Gabriel 22 octombrie 2011  
Imi place foarte mult de Lee yo won e printre actritele mele preferate.
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